So, last week my Dad was in a little "accident" and let me start the story out by saying that he is doing great. I think this is an amazing testament to how God takes care of His people! My Dad is borrowing Gordon's truck right now and it is a Dodge full size truck just so you can get a picture as to how big a vehicle it is. My Dad was out at the Ranch he visits regularly and he was stopped looking at something he was hauling. He got out of the truck, didn't put it in park and suddenly noticed that it was rolling backwards. At this point he tries to grab the steering wheel and misses. The truck door slams him into the ground as the truck rolls over his left leg and coming to rest on his right leg (ankle). For 10-15 seconds he can't think of what to do, so he pushes on the truck wheel dislodging it from atop his leg. He proceeds to then get up and limp back to his friend that was nearby. Not only was nothing broken, damaged or fractured he also worked helping on the Ranch the next day. After forcing him into going to the Dr. yesterday they agreed that there was nothing broken but that he needed a Doppler done on his leg to ensure there was no blood vessel damage. He came home this afternoon with a clean bill of health merely saying "there is some bruising and a few open wounds around the ankle bone." When I think of this story ALL I can think is angels placing themselves over my Dad's legs and then pushing the truck off of him. I honestly can say I have NEVER heard of anyone getting "run over" and walking away from it basically unharmed. In a time where most people feel unrest and uncertainty this is a blatant statement from God I believe showing us that He is indeed amidst us and in OUR lives, EVERY second of EVERY day!! So, be encouraged He loves us and is involved in our daily lives!
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